Where We Lead, They Will Follow
Happy Fourth of July! On this day where we observe our country's independence, I thought it was interesting to read about leadership in my daily reading.
In Jeremiah 15:4, God says that He will punish Judah because of what Manasseh did in Jerusalem (2 Ki 21:9). Is that fair? With a closer look, I find that it is fair. Jerusalem followed in the steps of their new king, Manasseh, in spite of what they knew was right (Hezekiah had them on the right path). So, they weren't innocent either. Personally, I can't imagine looking to a 12 year old king for wisdom - thankfully I live in a different age of history!
In my current reality, I must reflect upon this passage because of the responsibility I have as a leader to follow God so that anyone (my dog-kids, co-workers, friends, church family) who looks to me for guidance will not be led astray.
Ps 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
hey, Janna.. I think I'll take your lead and do this for my prayer group.. Journal our prayers and answers to prayers.. I might need your help. Thanks for being a leader!
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