
All Things Are Possible

All I can say to start this post is "Wow". Reading through Luke 18 was such a joy to me today. God showed me so many cool stories in this chapter it was hard to pick just one to write about. So, today, I'm giving "Janna's One-Liners" for a few items and then I will expand on one. Here goes.

Parable of the Persistent Praying Widow (v.1-8) - Keep praying and God just might give you what you were begging for.

Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican (v. 9-14) - When you hear preaching or read your bible or pray, do it for your benefit, not so you can compare your goodness with someone else's sin. (This one is a personal pet peeve of mine)

Wasn't that fun? Now for the serious part. What must we do to inherit eternal life? That was the question asked of Jesus by a "certain ruler" in Luke 18:18. What must we give up to be sold out for Jesus? The ruler was apparently rich, like so many of us are in this country, or even in Overland Park, because he struggled with giving up all of his possessions to follow Jesus. I can relate to the ruler, as I'm sure we all can at times. We may not struggle with giving up material possessions, but what about our old ways, our time, our recreational activities, our pride or our fears?

It seems like too difficult a task sometimes - that God is expecting too much of us to give up our lives to serve Him. However, Jesus says that "the things which are impossible with men are possible with God." (v27). Our finances, our marriages, our spouses, our work situations, our attitudes or whatever the obstacle is, can be overcome if we ask God for help. To access that power means, however, we must be known by the Savior, saved by His blood.

What a relief! I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength! (Ph 4:13). All I need is the faith that God is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do. How strong is your faith?


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