Wasted Goods?
Continuing my break from Ezekiel - (sorry, God, but I needed some "love" from the New Testament) - I read today about the parable of a rich man and his steward in Luke 15:1-12. It was a bittersweet reading because while I'm thankful for the responsibilities God has entrusted to me now with the women's ministry of Grace Church, it reminded me of times past where I used the gifts I have been given just enough to get by. Wasted goods. Not enough prayer, not enough study, not enough application. Have you wasted your "goods"?
I am thankful that God is patient with me even though sometimes I'm not so patient with Him. He gives me abilities and then He waits, like the father in the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11) for me to decide when I'm going to use them totally for Him. And when I decide to go His way, He waits some more to make sure that I'm serious and then blesses me more than I deserve. What an awesome God we serve.
It is hard to say how much each one of us should give to God because we are all so different. Only I can truly know what my best effort is and when I am not being wasteful of the gifts I have been given.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatsover thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy
might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
Things to think about:
1) If you are waiting to step out for God, ask yourself what you are waiting for. I bet you have some abilities from God that you don't even realize are there.
2) If you have already stepped out for God, ask yourself if you are giving it your best.
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