
What is Your Song?

Sing to the King - Passion

Come, let us sing a song
A song declaring that we belong to Jesus
He is all we need

Lift up a heart of praise
Sing now with voices
raised to Jesus
Sing to the King

In the following passage, David, our Psalmist declares his "song" to us in how he worships and relies on God for strength. I wonder what this would sound like put to music?

Psalm 138: 1-4
1 I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee.
2 I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
3 In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul.
4 All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord, when they hear the words of thy mouth.

Reflecting now on the words I sang today, I thought about the "song" of my life. Do I live a life that fully declares to whom I belong? Is my lifestyle always one of praise to my King and my Redeemer? Is Jesus all I need? ALL?

Regrettably, I can't answer "yes" to the above questions 100% of the time. Thankfully, all God asks of me is that I give my best effort to become more like Him every day. What is your song?


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